
CORA combines the interaction of state-of-the-art technologies, interdisciplinary collaboration and process design to create forward-thinking frameworks

Background, Briefly Explained

Our society and economy are currently undergoing a fundamental paradigm shift triggered by technological advances, particularly the invention of the Internet and mobile communication devices. Although the impacts and opportunities of these developments have already profoundly changed many aspects of our lives, we still do not fully understand the extent of this change.

At the heart of this technological revolution, we have isolated a factor that connects all these fragmented developments. Contrary to popular belief, this process is not just about data-driven development, but also about cultural evolution. Culture, so to speak, is at the center of our societal change. The core of cultural creation strives for an intense engagement with the "why." This ability to individually grapple with this question and to define a purpose, a "Purpose," from within, is, in our view, a central aspect of making digital transformation beneficial for everyone.

Currently, it is going in the opposite direction. Digital infrastructures are in the hands of globally operating large corporations that shape not only the nature of dissemination but also the content significantly with their algorithms and monopolistic positions, thereby undermining the humanistic fundamental values of Europe. This is meant to illustrate symbolically the transformative forces acting on today's times and future generations.

We as Millennials, the first generation of so-called "Digital Natives," see it as our duty to help shape this transformation and to exert a positive influence on its development as pioneers. That is why we founded Cora. With the approach of Cultural Entrepreneurship (4 P's: People, Planet, Profit, and Purpose), we take all aspects of value creation into account in our actions and aim to develop a veritable solution approach for global challenges.

Areas of Activity

Our approach is based on three central pillars - Think, Connect and Act - which together create fertile ground for the development of new forms of co-creation and knowledge-based publishing, enabling shared experiences to stop the fragmentation of our societies and communities.

• Redefining thought, shaping the future.
• Through research, we drive innovation and set new impulses.

• Sharing knowledge, fostering talents.
• Through various phases of building awareness or facilitating educations programs, we offer resources for personal and professional growth.

• Creating connections, leveraging synergies.
• Our network of national and global trailblazers drive ideas forward through co-creation and cooperation.

• Through our publications we distribute key findings and share our knowledge on a large scale.

• Implementing projects, effecting change.
• As pioneers, we support the implementation, from idea to reality.

• Providing a fertile environment of resources and infrastructure to execute new ideas and drive positive change.

ALIVE | Hybrid Platform
• Space for idea exchange and collaboration.
• Our platform enables the presentation of innovative projects, sharing resources, and forming partnerships.

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